SAVED Festival 2014

It was an unforgettable night of worship towards the name that is above every name—the only name worthy of praise and adoration—the name of Jesus Christ.

SF2014-7From the onset, the chants of the thousands of people who came to the Coliseum reverberated all throughout the night through each song sung, each exhortation said, and each prayer uttered. Every person carried the statement of “No Other Name” as found in Acts 4:12 and emphatically declared it amongst the crowd.

Leading the people in worship were front-liners Victory Worship, having had a newly released album entitled Radical, alongside Idaho-based three piece band, Esterlyn who exhorted the people in true worship.


Francis Chan, the speaker for the Festival, then followed with a most sobering and truthful proclamation of the one true God and the Gospel by which everyone was invited to believe. The message was straight to the heart, there is no other Name that can grant salvation unto us except the name of Jesus. Anything in place of that is plainly idolatry.

The night was capped off with Israel Houghton and New Breed rocking out with their familiar songs along with their latest singles, all the while recording the whole live set to be released in their upcoming album.

The SAVED Festival truly pointed everything back to Jesus Christ. We can attend so many worship events but one that sets apart this festival in particular is the way that the Gospel was at the forefront of every part of the night and that Jesus was truly at the center of everything.


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