3 Oppositions to Boldness in Evangelism

Main reasons why people are scared of sharing Christ to their friends

When was the last time you shared the Gospel to anyone? Have you tried sharing the Gospel to your friends? Was it awkward? Did they laugh at you?

This is for those who have a difficult time sharing God to others.

Here are some reasons as to why it is difficult to share:

  1. They might get offended and stay away from you

The reality is: the Gospel IS offensive. It tells people how sinful they are and they cannot do anything about it apart from God. This should also be the reason we should continue to share the Gospel.

Once, someone told me that she could no longer be friends with me because of the fact that I believed something that she could not stand. I was really hurt since this she happened to be my best friend, who was also an atheist.

She had heard the Gospel so many times in the past that she could even recite it to me. The last time shared it with her, she replied, “The Gospel is “good”, but it’s just not for me.”

Painful as it may be, I would rather lose a friend from sharing the Gospel, than keep a friend and have her lose her soul because I did not do anything about it. Remember what Jesus said in John 15:18 that “if the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.”

  1. They might make fun of you, mock you, and even insult you

This may be the most common reason but its not the worst thing that could happen to you.  Some Christians, even now, are suffering, being persecuted, and even martyred for their faith—would you be able to say and do the same thing if you were in that situation?

The fact remains that there will be people who will make fun of you for sharing your faith, but never forget that there will also be those who would indeed listen to you.

The most important thing is that you took the burden of sharing the Gospel despite their reaction and faithfully did your part—now leave the rest up to God.

  1. They know you from the inside-out, from your past life and your not-so-good side

Everyone has a testimony to share—whether you came from a Christian household or you were the prodigal child. It actually doesn’t matter if they bring your past into the highlight but what counts is how Jesus has made all the difference in your present.

You are indeed a living testimony. There is a large possibility that people will listen to you when you open up about what God has supernaturally done in your life. The more Christ-like you are, the more credible you are in shairing the Gospel, and the more they will consider your faith and what it is you are preaching.

There was a time that I was trying to share the Gospel to one of my college friends and his comment really devastated me. He said, “When I was in high school, I had “Christian” friends too. That is the reason [I don’t believe in the same faith as you]”.

Heartbreaking. But there is hope for our testimony: once people see the change in you, they will be the ones asking what happened to you or what changed you. This is why it is of the utmost importance to continually preserve our testimony and live like Christ in every way in every moment.

Reflect on your situation today, perhaps its time to share the Gospel to someone and impart God’s testimony in your life to that person.

List down at least two names and go share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them; I guarantee you that if you overcome the above oppositions to boldness in sharing your faith, God is pleased and you will share in His joy!

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