SAVED Festival 2012

“I am the way, the truth, and the life.” This is the statement that Jesus said in John 14:6 and was the thrust of the message for the SAVED Festival 2012. This night was full of incredible times of worship by musicians and worship leaders that really sought God and sang praises to Him.


The root of this celebration is having a genuine relationship with God, pointing out that we have the capacity to live double lives and show our “Christian” ways but be entirely unbelieving. True worship is really giving one’s life to Christ and this doesn’t stop with a decision, it has to be evidenced through a life of Christlikeness.


The songs sung by Paglaum and Gloryfall pointed to the greatness of God as they started the evening uplifting the thousands who came to worship. Followed by the heart-piercing lyrics and melodic ensembles by Abandon and The Katinas, everyone in the stadium realized that true and authentic worship really comes out of an overflowing intimate relationship with Jesus. Pastor Joey Bonifacio of Victory Fellowship Church exhorted the people unto giving God their all and making Him the foundation of our lives.


Ending the night with such awe-inspiring worship songs, Desperation Band led by front man Jon Egan, really brought the whole festival to a time where the people could be still in the presence of God and for that moment, commit their lives to Jesus.


It was indeed a night of praise and the all the people who attended knew why: it’s because Jesus has done everything on the cross. We live as people redeemed by Him only if we make the choice to be true worshipers and followers of Christ. The message of the Gospel echoes as the songs are sung, the messages reflected on, but more than these, that Christ reigns supreme in each person’s life.


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