Great Are You Lord

If you are looking for a fresh portion of Spirit-filled worship, then you need to check out Integrity Music worship leaders David Leonard and Leslie Jordan’s All Sons & Daughters LIVE, which was recorded with a live congregation in one continuous take at Ocean Way Studios in Nashville, capturing the spirit and truth of transparent worship.

One of the new songs from the LIVE album is the standout song “Great Are You Lord,” of which Leslie Jordan speaks:

This song has turned into one of the songs that we really love to lead in worship. When we wrote the song we didn’t expect it to take as deep of a root as it has, even in our congregation. We knew it was a special song.

The song came out of a writing session with Jason Ingram. He is an incredible songwriter for the church as he has a deep connection to what God is doing in and through worship. He writes with a lot of artists and he is a worship leader himself. We love writing with him and this was our first song with him. It was really special.

Jason had this line, “It’s Your breath in our lungs so we pour out our praise,” and we felt such a sweetness and depth in it, we just ran with it. We dug into some Scriptures around that concept and the song was birthed from that. Since then, the song has taken on new life.

We were invited to attend Passion 2013. The very last message when we heard Louie Giglio speak, he spoke about the Ezekiel passage about the dry bones. Then the song received a sort of punctuation. He said, “Worship is when we give God His breath back,” having never heard our song. We had just recorded our song. He was talking about how God breathed into the dry bones, and they in turn breathed out. We liked that poetic description of what worship is, breathing in and breathing out. That image has stayed front and center and is a reminder that our acts of worship originate with the One we worship. It is His gift.


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