From Broken To Beautiful

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18 ESV

June 27, 2015. The SAVED Ministries team together with a group of volunteers visited Virlanie Foundation’s Elizabeth Home – a home that houses some twenty young girls who have been victims of abuse.

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As I entered the home, I immediately felt the reluctance. Although outwardly accommodating and friendly, one would still sense that they were holding something back. Although there was sincerity in their smile and voices, one would still sense a degree of self-protectiveness.


We gathered, prayed and started off with games to break the ice. Each girl was paired off with a volunteer, who would be their so-called “big sister” for the day.   The first game was called “The Silence Game,” where the objective was to pass along a message from the first girl in line to the last without speaking a word. A second ice breaker was played where they were asked to arrange themselves in accordance to what the facilitator called out.   By the end of the games, the girls were cheering out loud, screaming in excitement. The tension was gone and everyone felt at ease with each other. Somehow, trust was being established.

Then the group was divided in two. One group was taught to make tie-dyed shirts and the other group was taught their first keyboard lesson. We wanted to leave the girls with something they can use later in life – perhaps start a small business with the shirts or maybe develop a hidden musical talent.

With all these activities and lessons, our mission was to share HOPE. Hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ. Hope that they, too, can be restored no matter how broken they were. That in Jesus, they can have forgiveness and learn to forgive.


We wanted to help them get back on their feet. We wanted to bless them. And as I stepped back for a moment, I realized that in the middle of all the fun and craziness, I was also being blessed!

They helped me realize how blessed I am.
They helped me realize that life through their eyes is awesome no matter what.
They helped me see things in a different perspective.
They helped me to appreciate my family more.
They helped me to love and love some more.
They helped me see that I am no longer broken, but have been made whole.

King David was once a broken man, he prayed “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me… The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise” (Psalm 51:10, 17). There are some things in our lives that need to be broken:  pride, jealousy, greed, self-righteousness, disobedience, sinful habits, and more.

We think and call ourselves worthless in our brokenness, but God can take what has been broken and make it into something beautiful, something that He can use for His glory. Looking at the cross, it’s like Jesus is saying “This is my body, which is broken for you” “This is my body – broken, so that you may be healed”  “This is my body – broken, so that you will know how much I love you.” That is amazing grace!

It is only when we surrender to Christ can we be restored and transformed.

God allows brokenness so that we can see the light. Now, you have your own light to shine for others. Proverbs 11:25 says “Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.”

Do you have the heart for the needy? Do you want to serve but don’t know how? You can start with SAVED COMMUNE. We would be happy to help and equip you, all you need to do is OPEN YOUR HEART.

Writer’s Bio:
Jan Mangahas – loves the One who loves her. She is a story-teller looking for life, value and passion. She loves to meet different types of people and wants to inspire & motivate them to bring them to Christ, for His glory. She is also a financial planner, social worker, life coach, entrepreneur and wanderer.

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