SAVED Festival 2011


A first in Philippine Christian worship history – to have multiple artists in one night, all coming together to proclaim the name of Jesus, and to challenge the attendees to live their lives free of compromises. SAVED Festival 2011. 7 artists. 6 hours. 1 GOD.


The message was loud and clear. If I was saved through God’s grace and love embodied in the sacrifice Christ made on the cross, then why am I still living in sin? I accepted this sacrifice, and then squander the ultimate gift of eternal life by continuing my sinful ways. By doing so, I reject His sovereignty as my Lord and Savior by doing what I want, my way instead of what He wants, His way.

SF2011-11 How many people claim they are “Christians”, but do not show Christlikeness? I may do charitable works. I may be a recognized leader in church and guiding my spiritual family. But is my relationship with Christ free of compromise? How many times do I lie to get out of trouble? Can I say that I have never dodged a red light, cursed at someone in anger, continued to indulge in vices, or used money to get things done my way?


If there is even a single part of my life that I have not laid at the feet of God, then I am living a life of compromise. Being a Christian does not mean I stop sinning, but that I sin less and less the more I walk with Christ and get to know Him through the Bible.


This is the message of Saved Festival 2011. A joyful gathering led by Gary Valenciano, Quest, Jodi King, Martin Smith, Parachute Band, Starfield and Citipointe Live – all to bring us to raise our hands and worship the only ONE who can bring us to a life free of compromise.

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